Fellowship Program

Western University is at the forefront in the emerging field of Personalized Medicine. Understanding inter-individual variability in drug metabolism and tolerance is no where more important than in the practice of oncology. Investigators at the London Regional Cancer Program (LRCP) work in collaborating with the Departments of Clinical Pharmacology and Diagnostic Imaging on novel approaches to individualize therapy in cancer patients.
The LRCP serves as the regional referral service for tertiary oncology care for Southwestern Ontario, a cachement area of over 1.5 million people. The Clinical Research Unit at LRCP has established expertise in conducting a wide range of clinical trials, including “in-house”, industry and co-operative group sponsored studies. The LRCP has a strong relationship to basic science researchers situated in close proximity at the Victoria Cancer Research Laboratories. There exist translational research teams of clinicians and scientists in the breast, prostate and gynecologic disease site teams. We have strong linkages to the Princess Margaret Hospital Phase 2 Consortium, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) and the National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group (NCIC CTG). Facilities exist both at the Victoria and University Campuses of London Health Sciences Center to support translational research of the highest quality.
A fellow is an individual who wishes to obtain training, usually after completion of residencey training, and within the same area of specialization. This additional training may be taken in the form of a clinical fellowship or a research fellowship. Training undertaken during a fellowship is not recognized as training leading to a certification by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, or the College of Family Physicians of Canada.
Fellowship training is available to qualified Canadian citizens/landed immigrants and non-Canadian citizens/landed immigrants who are graduates from Canadian/USA medial schools of international medical graduates.